Monday, June 16, 2008

Well, I'm back from the country in one piece, hardly. Despite various minor mishaps, like my dog running away, my weekend jaunt was much appreciated.

Now I'm back in the humid abyss that is New York City, and let me say, I have realized why I like winter better than summer.

Regulating temperature in New York City is an art form which I have not mastered. It is generally at least 10 degrees warmer in my apartment than outdoors at all times. I'm one of the lucky Manhattanites who enjoys TWO functioning air conditioning units. Nonetheless, I'm sitting here sweating at 9:30PM.

Let me make one more comment about my day today. I went to go pick up a prescription at a different Duane Reade than I normally go to. This is because the most recent construction crane debacle destroyed my beloved pharmacy around the corner from my apartment. The pharmacist was giving me a hard time about switching my prescription to another Duane Reade, to which I said, "But a crane fell on my Duane Reade!" and he relented. I then realized that there will never be another city in the world that I choose to live in that will ever put in me in the situation I was in today.

And with that, I'm going back to reading On the Road, which by the way is not as good as everyone says. It's the only book that's taken me forever to read because I'm just plain bored.


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