Friday, February 15, 2008

Pest up

Though I've lived in New York City for over a year, I will never get used to the inevitable amount of rodents and insects that cohabitate within your apartment. They don't discriminate against my shoebox apartment or my closet sized kitchen. But the mouse in question is exceptional. Exceptional in the sense that he/she has outsmarted me...twice.

Exhibit A- Your standard mouse trap...mouse eats bait (in this case peanut butter, as I've heard mice will accept no less), mouse activates trigger, and boom! Broken neck. Easy, right?

Not when you're dealing with my little friend. For the past two nights, he's spent his time licking the bait clean, enjoying that peanut butter, probably drinking some milk to wash it down. Meanwhile, this mouse is NOT suffering the consequences. There is no BOOM. There is no broken neck. There is just delicious peanut butter going to waste.

Exhibit B- The mouse comes out in daylight. He's fucking with me, I know. But this little guy feels it necessary to gallavant across my kitchen only at times when I can see it happening.

Result? Glue trap on the floor.

If that doesn't work? I've got backup.

UPDATE: I caught the mouse...for two minutes....and he outsmarted me again. He got stuck to the glue trap, and somehow wedged himself under the oven, still attached to the trap, and wiggled his way out. Seriously, respect.

1 comment:

123 said...

"Pest up" that the 2008 way of saying "Man up?"

Minnie Mouse